Thursday, January 8, 2009

How does fitness really help weight loss

We want you to think the next time you're tempted to diet your way out of so that unwanted weight gain, to stop and consider your fitness-based alternatives. One thing to always keep in mind as it relates to fitness and weight loss is that if you are unable to do it for life than it probably won't work. Here are the biggest reasons a comprehensive fitness approach is a more effective and sustainable weight-loss solution:

Fitness revs your cellular engines. Your cells' mitochondria are the calorie burning powerhouses in your body. Mitochondria need oxygen, so the more oxygen you consume per minute (VO2 max), the more efficient your cells become, and the more calories you burn.

Fitness balances your hormones. Over time, fit people experience positive hormonal changes that help keep them fit. Lower stress hormone (reduces inflammation), higher growth hormone (builds muscle) and lower insulin (controls cravings) are just a few of the hormonal benefits fitness brings.

Fitness grows on you. Unlike dieting, which few people can tolerate for long, fitness quickly becomes a way of life. The more fit you become, the more you're inclined to move. So for most fit people, seeking daily activity becomes an almost instinctive habit.

Fitness gives you a metabolic advantage. Fit people have more lean muscle mass and a higher metabolism, which helps them weather setbacks such as holiday binges that can pack on excess pounds.

Fitness is fun. People often overlook the emotional and spiritual benefits of exercise. A fitness lifestyle involves regularly participating in activities for the sheer enjoyment of them. It's more fun, it relieves stress, and it's easier to sustain.

One aspect of fitness that is often overlooked is that when you are working out you are not indulging in an activity that adds to you gaining weight. As you look at your day, there are countless activities that are not supporting your weight loss goals. Every time you workout even for 15 minutes it is 15 minutes that you are building a habit that promotes the results your want and takes you away from activities like eating while watching television that does noting to promote healthy living.

It is this last point that we strive day in and day out to pound home, that it is getting to the point that fitness for its own enjoyment is what we are after. One a person likes to work out because they like it, they will exercise forever. offers high quality nutritional products like iFlora and Zylene.

Friday, January 2, 2009

What Happens When You Get Too Little Protein in Your Diet

Proteins are composed of long chain like forms of amino acids. Amino acids are basic and fundamental to life. As a chemical compound, it is made of amine and carbonyl functional groups. To put it simply, they are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen and on some rare occasions, sulfur. These four or five materials build themselves into various chain-like structures and form different types of protein. Protein is the life line of human health.

Human cells, muscle tissue, and the organs of the body are made up of protein. Long chains of amino acids are structured to make different types of proteins. There are 22 types of amino acids and the human body needs all of them to be healthy.

Different types of proteins in our body execute different body functions. Our body's strength, its flexibility and elasticity are taken care of by a protein called collagen, and our hair and skin are composed of the same protein.

Proteins we consume through food are broken down into amino acids in the process of digestion and absorbed by the body only to be rebuilt into different types of proteins that are the requirement of the body. There are twenty two kinds of amino acids essential for the human body. And in that 14 are produced by the body and the remaining 8 are to be obtained though food.

Complete and incomplete Proteins

A protein that can be obtained through one food source like a meat or dairy product is called a complete protein. A complete protein is obtained generally though meat, diary products, eggs, fish and poultry. Vegetables, fruits and nuts do not contain all the essential proteins in one food items and so it is termed as incomplete.

Importance of Proteins

For proper growth, sustenance and repair of body cells, for the health of muscles, tissues, organs and for body function like metabolism, digestion, transportation of nutrients and oxygen through blood circulation, proteins are imperative.

Apart from that more importantly for the production of antibodies, or in other words, antibodies are little soldiers who fight any infection that invades into our body and fights diseases and makes us healthy. The healthy skin and shining hair of which we are proud of is due to the proteins.

Too little Protein means ill health

Like our grand mothers say often, 'anything too much or too little is harmful' is absolute truth in case of protein. Too much protein intake leads to many uncomfortable physical complications just as too little of protein intake can lead to complications.

Protein is needed to repair and create new cells, tissues, hormones, enzymes and muscles and lack of protein would impair these important body functions leading to grave situations. Many foods which supply protein do contain certain other minerals and vitamins like iron, a lack of which creates an eternal tiredness and fatigue. The person who lacks iron feels weak and becomes listless with lack of energy.

Physical activities consume protein daily, and so it is essential to give regular supply of protein to the body daily. And too little protein can cause severe skin ailments and would make you look lusterless and pale.

Children need a lot of protein as they are in the phase of growing and insufficient protein in children hampers their growth very much.

For a period of time if the body fails to get sufficient amount of protein through food, it starts breaking the muscles which contain large amount of protein to fulfill its need. This means eroding of the muscle and it is generally known as muscle wasting. And prolonged such situation leads to a vicious cycle of protein energy malnutrition where in when the body does not get any other source of energy, body's muscles and organs a re broken down for energy. The digestive system suffers with the loss of cell lining which is important for absorption of nutrients from the digested food. Thus a vicious cycle of poor diet and insufficient absorption of nutrients from food lead to severe body wasting.

So, too little protein intake is dangerous and very harmful to health. offers low prices on protein bars, low carb protein, and more.